Live on mission in a secular age.
The Missional Life Course is a 10-week course that helps you connect your faith to your life in the modern world.
Welcome to the Missional Life Course:
Join Jon Tyson and Tyler Prieb in this 10 week course on the basics of missional living, designed to help everyday followers of Jesus learn how to live and exercise a compelling faith in a secular age.
A simple course for mission.
Join hundreds of churches who are forming their people for missional lives in secular culture.
Pastors - we know it can be hard to find the right, trustworthy materials for discipleship, in the midst of your busy lives.
We know this feeling. We built this course because we couldn’t find anything else that captured God’s heart for mission, and was accessible to everyday followers of Jesus in New York City.
We’ve built this for our church and for yours - to help your people live everyday Kingdom lives in public. We’ll help you.
Course Overview
An integrated approach to the most important topics for everyday missional discipleship:
Mission starts with God. We must learn and understand His character, His heart, and His radical love to know what He is doing in the world.
What is the Gospel? And what does it look like to steward a message of “Good News” in modern society?
Our actions flow out of our identity. As “ambassadors,” we are sent to be representatives of God’s Kingdom and to go into the world with courage and compassion.
Is evangelism possible in modern culture? How do we share the hope that we have in relational, contextual and bold ways?
How do we work out God’s invitation to do justice? God calls His people to care for the poor and the oppressed, to love mercy, and to pursue His vision of peace and flourishing in the world.
We spend most of our lives at work and it can be worshipful and good for the world when it is done unto God. So, how do we understand God’s missional calling on our work?
God’s Kingdom is marked by radical hospitality, by those who show love to the stranger and welcome to the “other.” We’ll look at hospitality as a core practice.
Our motives matter. Are you motivated by selfish ambition or holy ambition? Are you driven or called? Root your ambition in God’s vision for the world, not your own.
Learn to live at a sacred pace and avoid ministry burnout and apathy so that you can stay faithful for the long-haul.
A missional life does not happen by accident. We are invited to partner with the Spirit and design a missional life -- one that is intentional, creative and woven into God’s story.
How do we courageously position our lives at the frontiers of God’s kingdom, wherever we find them?

This course comes from 15 years of ministry in New York . Here’s why it can help you:
This material comes tested and proven out of our local church context in New York City. We’ve used them in groups, taught them in sermons, and seen them bear fruit in our communities.
We’ve read all the best books on missional discipleship so you don’t have to. You get our 100 page PDF field guide, and 12 teaching videos designed to give you our best on each topic.
This material is designed for the every-day follower of Jesus. Whether you’re a creative professional, working for a corporation, or raising kids at home, this course will help you.
This course is designed for an individual, for a group of friends, or even for your entire church. It’s built to work around busy schedules, and is easy to understand and navigate.
This is designed to help everyday people, not just “leaders.” This equips those in careers, in creative fields, at home, in school, and more.
Course Options
Solo Course
If you’re an individual and you just want to work through the content on your own, you can get an individual license to the course.
You get:
The full course PDF (100 pages)
The full course videos (250 min)
Personal worksheets
Group Course
Start here - this will give you the full course with leadership tools, for any group of 15 people.
You get:
The full course PDF (100 pages)
The full course videos (250 min)
Leader’s guide
Access to our digital portal.
Group evaluation tools
Coaching call with our team.
The Missional Life Course is for local congregations that want to equip their churches for everyday mission, especially in secular culture.
The course is built for small groups at the local church level: community groups, home groups, neighborhood groups, and missional communities. It’s ideal for a group of 10-15 people go through together.
Yes, we recommend getting a group license for each group of up to 15 people, or the unlimited license for larger churches.
Yes. For full sermon series or for seminars of 50+ people, we recommend you get the “unlimited course.”
Yes, we have an individual license if you just want to go through the material on your own, but we’d recommend doing it with a group of friends!
Our heart is to equip the Church for mission. We’ve tried to price it to be accessible and valuable - if you can’t afford a copy for your church, email us and we will find a way to help you.
Meet Your Teachers
Jon Tyson
Jon is a pastor and author based in New York City. Originally from Adelaide, Australia, Jon moved to the United states to strengthen and cultivate renewal in the Western Church. He is the author of The Burden Is Light, Beautiful Resistance, and his latest book, The Intentional Father. He is married to Christy and a proud Father to Nathan and Haley.
Tyler Prieb
Tyler is a pastor and missiologist in New York City. He’s worked with Jon for the last 5 years to plant Church of the City New York, and is the founder of Missional Labs, a venture lab for mission. He’s worked with leaders and movements in over 50 countries. He is married to Melany, and lives in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Let’s connect! Reach out to learn more about how you can lead the Missional Life Course in your community.